Lead with Love

I couldn’t be more proud of our 12 dancers from Eagle County who had the special opportunity to perform at Aspen’s City of Wellbeing Event, Lead with Love, last Friday Oct 27th! They shared their love, joy and light with everyone in the room, including the one and only Deepak Chopra. 

These dancers are particularly special. Let me tell you why… These children are a mix of 5th-7th graders who have been greatly impacted by our in-school program and have chosen to continue dancing with us before school. Yes. You heard me right… BEFORE school! This means, that instead of sleeping in, they choose to come to school early so they can dance. 

In order to be selected for this traveling performance opportunity they must be of good standing academically, be a good example to their peers, a leader in the classroom, and have a great passion to share their joy of dance with others. Not only that, but choose to spend their fall break dancing, when they could be home playing with their friends. 

Our dancers packed their bags for a day trip up to Aspen, thanks to the support of a few parent volunteers who drove them 2.5hrs. We rehearsed, had lunch, and participated in a sample class with the youth program for Lead with Love, Peace Jam! It all culminated with an electric performance, opening up for Deepak Chopra. 

Oh, and of course we couldn’t let the kids go home hungry, so we stopped for some New York Pizza in Aspen, before heading back through the mountains to Eagle County. YUM! It was perfect, and I am certain a day they will remember for a long time to come. 


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